Wednesday, January 20, 2016

Keisha Knight Pulliam is Ed Hartwell?????

So as I attempt to dive back into this blogging thing at the start of the New Year, I came across the usual incidences you see this time of year,which are good ol engagements. So I was a bit confused when I saw that Keisha Knight Pulliam-Miss young Rudy from the "Cosby Show" was engaged to Ed Hartwell. Remember that guy? Way back when he was married to the cute and boppy Lisa Wu, formerly of "Real Housewives Of Atlanta"? Yea, that guy. Although they have parted ways for a few years now, looks like her found a new love with Mrs. Pulliam.  I could have sworn Miss Keisha was seriously dating Big Tigger, a famous DJ(Bigg Tigga's Basement. Do your googles if you don't know) who now works for V-103 in Atlanta. So when I did a little looking, it looks as though this was a whirlwind romance, according to  She hasn't even deleted the pics from her and her old boo from 38 weeks ago....Yikes!! Of course, Tigga was bombarded with questions and responded that he wasn't going to tolerate any hate, ignorance, blah, blah, blah. Lisa Wu was hit with questions as well, but didn't have a response as of yet. Welp, congrats and all the best to the couple on their upcoming nuptials. Let's stay tuned to see how this pans out...

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Keisha & Big Tigger during happier times

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Keisha and Ed Hartwell playing kissy face

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Ed Hartwell with ex- wife Lisa Wu, formerly of Real Housewives of Atlanta